In this world there is a silent cry that keeps getting louder as time flies by the depths of despair are getting deeper. The times are becoming more and more evident as the silent cries scream and yell, asking for an answer. The ones lost in the wilderness are looking to find their way home, as their silent cries draught out over the hills and valleys. There are ones lost in a sea of darkness, wanting, longing their silent cries weep for the true light. Some are lost in the cold, they cry out for warmth. The unwanted for someone to want them; the unloved for someone to love them. The depressed cry out for an unending joy. Ones down in their circumstances with no hope, cry for a hope that they have never known. The suicidal long for someone to care enough to show them a different way out of their troubles. The alcoholic and druggist for a way to stop and sooth their pain. Will They Find What Their CRYING FOR ONLY YOU CAN TELL
LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE AS A GUIDENCE to help them find the way.
Philippians 2:15 (King James Version)
15That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;