Monday, May 23, 2011

Self-esteem OR God-esteem?

 There is a problem with many young people (including me) that takes place and it is called low self-esteem but is it really something we all have to deal with because we all have it? or is it a spiritual battle that is taking place within each one of us? The truth is that our self-esteem is a spiritual battle and what we often make as a mistake is we base our way of thinking more on the way we see ourselves and the way the world sees us. But what if you look at the way God sees us? In Ecclesiastes 3:11 (King James Version) it says"He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end." So if God sees us as beautiful when we call ourselves ugly or say things such as I wish that I had her hair or for guys his muscles. What are we saying to God when we dye our hair or wear makeup or even just go tanning or anything else that we do to change the way God made us? When we do these things or say thing such as that we are telling God "Hey! You made a mistake!" when in reality it is us that has made the mistake. Believe me it is not wrong to want to look your best you represent Christ we are his kids we want to show others that we are not slobs in representing him we however need to do that without altering our looks in a way that is not pleasing to God. We all need to take a look at ourselves and say "Hey God made me this way! and I'm glad! I am made in his image and I don't need to listen to the world and what they say is beautiful! God made me and I am beautiful because he said so! I'm going to look at myself the way God sees me and change my self-esteem or world-esteem and change it into God-esteem! Jesus has made me beautiful and nothing can change that!"

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